After the meeting disgusted me completely, I just wanted to get out of the office. It was hot in the room and I was really tired and down. Nobody likes to change of topics by the day. So I wondered around the campus to see the Arts Festival. Nothing special. All the things are highly priced. The most unique and interesting caption that I saw was "VICTORIA"S SEXTION'. Being a foodie I tried to find the things I could gorge on. Strawberry Smoothie was good although 4$. They played nice music in the central park. Then I went to sleep in the nearby garden. Tell you six hours of sleep is great and life seems to be difficult the next day when you do not get that.
Enough of sad story. Now the good or the delicious part. Yep the orange vanilla sundae. The server told me that it would not feel good in the cone and gave me in the cup. At first I was annoyed of missing out on con but the taste was so good and romantic(yeah so many american girls to stare at!!)