Saturday, March 7, 2009

The First Feel of Spring

Finally after 5 months of gloom, we have bright weather in State College. The Sun was out in full glory on Friday, the things were warming up nicely and the temperatures were in upper 20s. That's how the weather man would say in the night news on FOXS. Just add a little bit of American accent to it. 

I say it was bright because after a long time one could really see and feel that there are girls here. I mean let us put it this way. I was coming back here from Delhi, the taxi driver told me that he does not like winter for three reasons. OK. One its very cold, two roads are slippery to drive and three the girls wear too much clothing to cover themselves. I thought. Wow! Lage raho Uncleji! But on Friday I realized what he meant. People get rid off the their winter stuff, including the girls. Its a different feeling on the first day of the spring. They call it the spring semester. But the spring arrived very late indeed.


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