Thursday, May 7, 2009

Semster Ended

So finally the semester has ended. Almost. Just the last two days of TA work. Again Hopefully. Yeah I know I won't get a TA ever or maybe an RA next semester. Monday I have meeting my adviser. Hopefully I would get some project for summers. Yeah summers. Again I think I would spend it all by myself alone in this office fighting my insecurities and myself. Worse still the badminton club does not meet in summers. Worser perople are going out of town. People are going to California, New Jersy and India as well. But GG is stuck here forever. Same R bus, same Balaji to contend with. God!! send something or someone wich wwould change something in this boring life.

I am just worn out. Four months of a gruelling semester are more than enough. I guess I need some counselling badly. Body had gone out of shape a little. Confidence is petty low. There is an intermitent fear in mind. Same like that of the recession for people. I fought it throughout the semester but can't seem to get over it anyway.

Hope to find a swimming trainer soon. Maybe that would fix somethings. Badly need someone's company or some activity.

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