Thursday, February 19, 2009

Third World

No puns intended this time. So its about the general view about India here. Still India is treated as a third world country here. There is no talk about India in all the economic arguments that you listen on TV's here. All they care is calling us the third world.

Every now then they would say that this third world country contemplating something. What's even more disturbing is the viewpoint of my room-mates. Moron Balaji is ready to go and work in China if he does not get a job here. And Jagdish just frowns his nose upon any question raised by me on India.

Thing is we maybe the second fastest growing economies and maybe the reason to take these autocratic people out of the present recession but still we remain the third world and a place to wash dirty linen (Remember BUSH when he accused us of eating more when food crisis happened) . I think what I gather after being here for six months is that people recognize you more as an Indian but not as someone from India. Not sure what to write. But that's the way it is here.

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