Friday, January 16, 2009

Those Sleepless Nights

This is not any love story as the title of the post may suggest. So its about when you make a transition from one place to another having a time difference of 12 Hours.

So after two days of traveling I finally reached home. I wasn't very happy but I was relived to see everybody in the family hail and hearty. Although I do not like Dadi's unnecessary and meaningless clatter, it pleases me that she still has the same spunk.

But the biggest bottleneck in the way of spending quality time with your family is your sleep cycle. Come 4 p.m. in the evening and my eyes would begin to droop and my mouth would start yawning. And then I would go to sleep. Then a hazy dinner. And come 12 in the night and I am fresh and kicking. I would see T.V, surf net(gosh speed is so slow) and play Age of Empires. Papa would tell me change Good Night(Absolutely hate that). Sonu sure had a hard time for that week.

But after a week things begin to improve. Sleep cycle was getting normal by the day according to India. And then came the day of departing from the family once again. Wasn't that painful this time around. Next trip perhaps in next December. But there is another twist in tale. Back in State College, the sleep cycle is like 6 pm - 1am. Poor Balaji. He comes in around 2 am.

So now a days I am getting up earlier than normal, around 5 am in the morning. Then I have my breakfast and come to IST. Probably the first person in at around 7 in the morning. This has sparked some jealousy among some persons in my group. But I am sure I won't be able to trouble them for long. 

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