Friday, January 16, 2009

Got me Big Time

It was a very obvious thing that went through my eyes and my mind. The day after I arrived in State College, I went to IST to check my mails. I found a very familiar mail addressed from SIIS LAB, requiring my ID and password for up-gradation of the mail system. Well some break from security was enough for me to commit that mistake. I sent my ID and password in clear in reply. Soon my email was hacked and started being used to send some malicious emails.

Next day I was not able to log in and I called up the maintenance guys. They told me not to repeat that cardinal mistake again and allowed me to change my password. I told my mama about this and she said that its phishing and I had done something very cardinal. I think when My advicer, who is a top professor in security, comes to know of this he would hang me up.

Please do not tell him this readers!!!

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