Thursday, March 26, 2009

Record Breaking Unshaved Face

I thought, I have broken all records this time. Its been nearly six weeks since my last shave. Last time it was in last Fall. But do not remember the duration. But this time I have gone over the roof to the extent that I have forgotten the color of my shape and its color! I think. Its really the height of laziness, I ever reached. But I am glad, I have broken one extreme.

The thing is here nobody cares. Although I know I look pathetic and people do not tell me that, but its like nobody in the lab cares. The amros consider it as a privacy breach asking about health and appearance. The chaptas can't speak much of english. And even if they do stammer about me, I won't know that. Their gibberish is GIGO for me. That leaves just the Desis. A quite smile and an assurance is enough, that I would do it this weekend. Life was never so free. I wear anything and go to university and the office. Nobody cares. 

I remember my Mom would get after me, calling me anything from Osama( err the 'T' word, amros go hide) to Dadrial. After a couple of weeks I used to get fed up and then shave. But I never went beyond three weeks. I do not remember when did I last showed my face to them over Skype.

That's the only positive I see of living by one self. You could possibly do anything, also things which you could not back at home.   

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