Friday, April 10, 2009

Nothing to write about

Its Friday again. A relief day of sorts. Checked a mid term. Prepared a grade report. Had an exam. Again screwed it up of sorts. Total blame on the teacher. Without any inhibitions. Did not submit the project. Got a week's extension. Adviser finally agreed to my proposal to start my thesis work in summers, though without any funding. And slept like a horse in the HUB.

Nothing strange. After a cool undergrad, I found the graduate school here petty tough. Week is all heavily loaded. Slight blink and costly miss for sure. The Chapta was after my ass since last week and I virtually stopped checking my mail for past few days. His emails are threatening to say the least, they are obnoxious. No element of politeness. Just damn orders every time. Not that I really care but still a little bit of understanding and soft words would make both of our lives easier. After nearly seven months, I really realized what's it like being a TA. Thanks to him. But still I don't like him one bit.

Balaji is down with something. Stopped speaking to him for good now. Just bidding my time to get my own room in three months now. Reduced the rent to 200$. Jagadish is extremely pissed at something with me. I need to ask him why. God!! he is my only little support that keeps me breathing. Otherwise sometimes I feel that I am tipping off. God save me from doing anything really bad to myself.

I finally figured out why I write here. Perhaps to release all the pent stuff. Or perhaps I do not know. Or perhaps I like Google's spell option so much, that sometimes I intentionally make mistakes. See my mental state. Sometimes I feel, I would be a schizophrenic some day. 

Sorry but I can't really help much. My mental state is really bad. Just can't figure out how to smile and be relaxed.

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