Friday, April 17, 2009

Still do not know her name

How much time does it take to name a child? Its been like 15 days since she was born and I still do not know her name. I mean I can't figure that out. I think I got a name after 1 or 2 days MONU. Yeah never liked it. And particularly got embarrassed at school if any of my friends came to know of that. Still remember I was called MONU until I entered Nursery. Mamma and Papa gave a new name GAURAV only after the insistence of the Sisters in my day care told them I should have a new name. I think they only suggested that I should be called GAURAV in Nursery. Thanks to them otherwise I still would have been MONU. MONU GUPTA!!!

I mean this is the height of searching names. There are millions of them available in this world. Come on give her some pet name. So that I can write something about her. 

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