Saturday, June 6, 2009


Saw THE NAMESAKE but did not read the book. I brought the book from India but lazy me. A beautiful movie. Makes more sense to me now that I am an NRI now. But its theme is great. Its about the relations, a father and son, a man and his wife, what's real and surreal and what's happiness.

The boy of Indian couple always looked for happiness outside his family. And he could not find it anywhere but finally found it in the happiness of his family. Some people are just indispensable in your life and he discovered after a while.

Some months ago I saw the kid of one my friend from Mumbai speak english in fantastic American accent. I was amazed as the kid had been in US for only like an year. What's more his father told me that he understands Hindi and Marathi but can't speak them. I brought the issue to another of my Post Doc friend. He said that's normal and that my kids would be the same. I drew a blank. It stuck me profoundly. All this time I struggled with life here, away from my family, for my education but what after that. Would I stay here? Would I have kids like these? What after completing the degree?

I still do not have answers to them. And maybe I won't have them in any near future either. Movies like NAMESAKE do breathe any confidence of settling here . Does education, degree and research weigh more than the family? Its just to many things to think about and waste time writing them.

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