Friday, June 12, 2009


The Student Health Centre(SHC) had not mailed me my health card till now. My friend just put a nasty piece of information about the insurance card the previous week end. I finally went to SHC only because I needed some document for joining the swimming classes. It is THE swankiest building in the campus. More than our IST.

The lady at the service was partially blind and needed a magnifier to read. She asked for my ID and I placed it under the magnifier. She was still not able to read my card. I thought I should help her and I extended my offer. But she declined and her tone suggested that she felt offended to some extent. This is not India boss!!! The good thing here is that the people are self - reliant of sorts. Not that back in India people are not but it was different with that lady. My offer for help was not offending but she wanted to read the card as part of her duty. She appeared to be fine afterwards.

Got a copy of my card. Now I feel more SAFE.

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